Study Visit to the University "1 Decembrie 1918" from Alba Iulia

On May 27-31, 2024, the second study visit to the "1 Decembrie 1918" University in Alba Iulia, Romania, organized within the UPGRADE project - Enhancing Graduates' Employability Tracking in Moldova (Project number: 101129166), co-financed by the European Union within the Erasmus+ programme.


The study visit was attended by the team of experts from UPGRADE partner Universities from Moldova, and namely: the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (ASEM), State University of Moldova (USM), the "Ion Creangă" State Pedagogical University of Chisinau (UPSC) , State University "Alecu Russo" from Balti (USARB), State University "Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu" from Cahul (USC), State University from Comrat (KDU), European Institute for Reform Initiatives and Education "Aspire" (ASPIRE) .

The study visit of the UPGRADE project is dedicated to the development of human capacity regarding the follow-up of the degree of employability of graduates, the review of tools for monitoring the employability of students and graduates, the activities and career guidance programs of the Information, Counseling and Orientation Center in within the University "1 Decembrie 1918" from Alba Iulia, UPGRADE project partner.

The study visit was opened up with a speech of Daniel BREAZ, Rector of the "1 Decembrie 1918" University in Alba Iulia and Larisa DRAGOLEA, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Information, Career Counseling and Guidance (CICOC.UAB). At the same time, the first working day was dedicated to the presentation of the activities of the Information, Counseling and Career Guidance Center, a brief history of its formation, the objectives, the mission and the vision, the list of activities carried out by the center, the team of employees and the importance of volunteering and all the tools used to promote his activities among UAB students. At the same time, the participants had the opportunity to talk personally with the beneficiaries of CICOC UAB services.

During the five working days, the work teams of partner institutions from Moldova learned about psychological and career counseling and guidance services for students within CICOC UAB, presentation of practical applications was carried out by psychologist Iulia Nicoleta MUNTEAN; reaslied a documentary visit to the headquarters of the "Star Assembly" company, located in the city of Sebeș, a trusted partner of CICOC UAB; discussed about studies to monitor the insertion of graduates on the labor market carried out by the "1 Decembrie 1918" University in Alba Iulia, through the Department of analysis and predictive management of labor market demands, presented by lect. university, Dr. Maria Viorela MUNTEAN; held a meeting with the representatives of the White County Employment Agency (AJOFM – EURES), to find out about the rules and procedures carried out at the national level; carried out an exchange of good practices regarding institutional norms and procedures undertaken by UAB and higher education institutions in Moldova.

The visit was concluded with a joint session of debates and conclusions, coordinated by university associate, Ph.D., Larisa Dragolea, CICOC UAB and institutional project coordinator.

For more details, please consult the PROGRAM and MINUTES of the event.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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